vo2 max test

Elevate Your Fitness With VO2 Max Testing

Maximize your performance, boost wellness, and extend your healthspan with DexaFit's VO2 Max test, providing crucial insights for vitality and optimal performance.

Boost Your Fitness Journey

Unlock deeper insights into your cardiovascular fitness, heart health, and longevity with the DexaFit VO2 Max Test. It's more than just a measurement—it's your pathway to peak well-being and vitality.

Boost Endurance: Increase aerobic capacity for heightened energy levels and stamina.

Smart Training: Tailor workouts to avoid overexertion and injury based on VO2 Max insights.

Key Health Indicator: Gain valuable insights into overall health, longevity, and mortality risk.

Cellular Efficiency: Enhance mitochondrial function for optimal cellular performance.

Trusted Accuracy: Rely on the preferred choice of elite athletes and wellness experts for precise insights.

Zone 2 Optimization: Fine-tune your training for improved cardiovascular and metabolic health with targeted Zone 2 training.

Every breath of yours tells a story

In the beginning, VO2 Max emerged as a revolutionary measure limited to the cutting-edge facilities of scientists and the workout spaces of top-tier athletes. It stood as the ultimate gauge that distinguished top achievers from the others, steering them towards optimal human performance and uncovering the enigmas of cardiovascular fitness and stamina.

woman doing a vo2max test with stats

The Engine of Your Health

"For the rest of us, VO2 Max testing is key to maximizing fitness and recovery. It guides you in fine-tuning your training, from HIIT to endurance, helping identify your optimal heart rate zones, including Zone 2 training, for balanced and effective workouts.

preview of bio age in dexafit app

Your Path to Longevity

Beyond optimizing how we train, it holds profound significance for your overall health and vitality. VO2 Max is the top predictor of all-cause mortality, providing you with a clear window into your longevity and health as you age.

Get DexaFit in 3 easy steps

Step 1: Setup and warm-up

We’ll start with a warm-up on a treadmill or bike after fitting you with a specialized mask for the VO2 Max test.

Step 2: Increasing intensity

While incrementally increasing exercise intensity, our system tracks your oxygen use and CO2 output.

Step 3: Expert guidance

Post-test, you'll get a nuanced breakdown of your performance, revealing key insights into your aerobic efficiency and more.


VO2 Max is the most powerful marker for longevity.

— Dr. Peter Attia,
author of Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity

  • Picture your body as a high-performance vehicle in an endurance race, where your VO2 max symbolizes the size and efficiency of its engine, specialized in oxygen usage. This test is about measuring your body's ability to take in oxygen, transport it through your bloodstream, and use it in your muscles to create energy at peak exertion.

    For instance, if you're jogging leisurely, you might use around 2 liters of oxygen per minute. Increase your pace, and this consumption goes up. At a fast, challenging pace, you might hit 4 liters per minute. But then, you reach a point where, despite pushing harder, your oxygen usage plateaus. This plateau is your VO2 max.

    During a VO2 max test, you'll typically engage in an activity like running on a treadmill or cycling, with the intensity gradually increasing. Wearing a mask connected to a device, your oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output are measured. The objective is to push you to your limit to find where your oxygen consumption peaks.

    Let's say your VO2 max result is 43 ml/kg/min. This indicates the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use per minute for each kilogram of body weight during intense exercise. It's a benchmark of your aerobic capacity. For context, elite athletes like Lance Armstrong have recorded VO2 max levels around 84 ml/kg/min, whereas sled dogs, known for their incredible endurance, can reach a VO2 max of over 200 ml/kg/min.

    Your VO2 max score isn't just about speed; it’s more about the power of your aerobic engine. A higher VO2 max indicates a greater potential for endurance performance, much like a car with a bigger engine potentially going faster.

  • A high VO2 Max is crucial not just for athletic performance but also for your overall health and longevity. It's a key indicator of your cardiovascular health, with a direct correlation to reduced risks of chronic diseases and lower all-cause mortality rates. Improving your VO2 Max can significantly enhance your quality of life, allowing you to maintain an active lifestyle as you age.

  • Improving your VO2 Max through targeted training like high-intensity interval exercises can lead to numerous health benefits. Enhanced VO2 Max improves your body's efficiency in using oxygen, which is vital for endurance and overall fitness. Regular training adapted to boost your VO2 Max also contributes to better heart health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and improved metabolic function.

  • Zone 2 training involves moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, typically maintained at 60-75% of your maximum heart rate. This level of intensity is where your body maximizes fat oxidation and improves aerobic capacity. An example of a Zone 2 workout could be a steady, moderate-paced run, cycle, or swim where you can comfortably hold a conversation.

  • While Zone 2 training focuses on sustained, moderate intensity to improve endurance and efficient oxygen use, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) contrasts sharply with its structure. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest or low-intensity periods. For instance, a HIIT session might include 30 seconds of sprinting followed by a minute of walking, repeated several times. HIIT is designed to improve anaerobic capacity and metabolic rate.

    Zone 2 training is recommended for building a strong aerobic base, vital for long-term cardiovascular health and endurance. HIIT, on the other hand, is excellent for boosting metabolic health and improving strength and power. Balancing these two types of workouts can lead to a well-rounded fitness profile, catering to both endurance and strength aspects of physical health.

  • During a VO2 Max test, you'll perform a graded exercise test on a treadmill or bike, starting at low intensity and gradually increasing to your maximum effort. You'll be fitted with a mask that measures your oxygen consumption and CO2 output, providing data on your aerobic capacity. The test is designed to safely determine your fitness level under careful monitoring.

  • The VO2 Max test is ideal for anyone interested in optimizing their fitness, from amateur exercisers to elite athletes. It’s especially beneficial for those looking to tailor their exercise program for specific health or performance goals, or for anyone curious about their cardiovascular fitness level.

  • Absolutely. Understanding your VO2 Max can be a game-changer for those struggling with weight loss or a fitness plateau. Tailoring your workout intensity based on VO2 Max data can lead to more effective exercise sessions, helping break through barriers and achieve desired results.

  • From the VO2 Max test, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of various crucial aspects of your fitness and health, including:

    Aerobic Capacity: The primary outcome, VO2 Max, is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during intense exercise. It's a definitive indicator of your cardiovascular fitness.

    Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds: The test identifies at what point your body switches from aerobic (oxygen-using) to anaerobic (oxygen-lacking) metabolism during exercise. This helps in optimizing training intensity for endurance and performance.

    Energy Utilization: Understand how your body uses different energy sources (fats and carbohydrates) at various exercise intensities. This insight is crucial for tailoring diet and exercise plans.

    Heart Rate Zones: The test delineates your unique heart rate zones, allowing for more precise and effective training regimens, especially for endurance sports.

    Respiratory Efficiency: Gain insights into how efficiently your lungs transfer oxygen to your blood and how effectively your muscles use that oxygen.

    Beyond these fundamental metrics, our advanced AI technology takes the data analysis a step further. It synthesizes your test results to provide a simple yet profound metric: your biological age.

    This AI-derived insight offers a clear picture of your overall health and fitness in relation to your chronological age, giving you a more comprehensive understanding of your body's true condition and potential areas for improvement. With this knowledge, you can tailor your lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition plans to not just meet, but exceed, your health and fitness goals.